What are WE COMPLAINING about?!?!? (WOW! Write On Wednesday! Read in 2 minutes)



Do you know someone who doesn’t complain? It’s not me, and it’s few people I know.

Someone in my life seldom – if ever complains. He is happy with little; seldom requests extra things; is happy with whatever food is put in front of him (and eats it!) and with few exceptions ever even asks for much. He doesn’t worry about his clothes. He wears what he has – and it’s a slim wardrobe. That guy is our son Joey.

While he has special needs, I find it quite intriguing that he is (for the most part) really content with the very simple things in life. He doesn’t seem to notice what he doesn’t have, can’t do, or what others have or are doing. Sometimes when he must join me in going places I realize how much his life is “led” by me and in some ways how few choices he has; yet he doesn’t complain about it. He just seems to take life moment by moment without complaint about now or worry about tomorrow. What lessons we learn from him!

What I most notice is that he is content; content with little; content with life.

So what about us? What if we simply paid attention in the next 24 hours to see how much we complain? AND THEN, what if we stopped complaining for the next 24 hours?

What if we simply looked to the good, shared positive things, complimented (sincerely) others, thanked others for things they did for us, praised others for worthy things, praised God for the day and how he provided for us? Instead of complaining to or about a waitress or sales person – entered into uplifting and helpful conversation or perhaps in the midst of poor service asking, “How is your day going?” (And really caring to hear the answer.)

Want to join me in a 48 hour experiment? Take whatever 48 hours you choose between today and next Wednesday….and share with me (on my Cindi Ferrini – Author/Speaker Facebook page or here on my blog) just what happened in your 2 days that is different, new, and nice…and maybe life changing!

I’m in and I’m not complaining about it! Please join me!


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