I don’t often mention people by the color of their skin or ethnicity, but because I didn’t know (two of) these people to call them by name, and because of what I’m about to share, I will be doing both.

Just yesterday this white girl (me) was in line at a local discount store. At the checkout in front of me was an Indian man. Behind me was a black man who had one item in his hand (I had a cart full.)

I looked at him and asked, “Would you like to go ahead of me?” He was, of course, delighted.

He patiently waited while the Indian man finished paying his bill….and who was .10 short.
The black gentleman gave the Indian man a dime. Both men graciously accepted the gesture and thanked and appreciated one another.

He was quickly done checking out and looked back at me as he was leaving and said, “Thank you.” We exchanged smiles and good bye pleasantries.

I stood there thinking, “Wow, if we all just treated each other like this more often and let the news report it!”

I know issues of prejudice and biases go much deeper than what I’m describing here, but this is where change can start to be kindled. It starts with treating others (everyone!) with kindness, generosity, civility, and love. In just a 2 minute time frame I watched and enjoyed a very nice transaction with 3 very different people.

We just need to take notice….not so much of skin color or ethnicity but of opportunities to show kindness and appreciation…everywhere and to everyone.


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